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Back to School Drive

Do you remember your first day of school? We were all a little nervous....making sure our outfit was just right, checking and then double checking that we had all the supplies we needed...worrying whether or not the other kids in class would like us...

Now imagine what it would be like if your family couldn't afford basic supplies. That first day would be a whole lot harder! How can children in these situations have a chance to start off right if they don't have the tools to succeed? That's where you come in.

A child who begins school with the right notebooks, crayons, pencils, folders and other supplies is free to focus more on learning and less on worrying about how to get their homework done and keep up with their peers. YOU can make the difference!

We have lots of backpacks to fill! As a reminder we can only accept new, unopened items.

Drop-offs will be accepted  from 9:30am - 4:30pm at our Irvington Office (100 North Broadway, Irvington, NY 10533). Please inform the receptionist you are dropping off school supplies so she can notify us.

For questions regarding the back-to-school drive, please contact